
Opening Time

Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sunday: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

South Shore Services

Call : +234 (80) 746 17023
Email : custormarcare@southshorewch.com
Address : 6b Goriola Street Off Adeola Odeku Street, VI.


Labour is the period when the body gets itself ready to push out the baby and the placenta from the uterus. The uterus accomplishes this by tightening repeatedly (causing painful contractions), which moves the baby downwards, and causes the neck of the womb (the cervix) to become wide enough for baby to pass through. The cervix is closed during pregnancy, but begins to soften and dilate as labour starts, to get as wide as 10cm. Once the baby is delivered and the placenta is out, the contractions subside.

Before the day arrives, you would have discussed extensively with your doctor and made a decision about what mode of delivery is best for you – depending on your previous history, the present condition of both you and your baby, and your personal preferences. If the plan is for you to have a spontaneous labour and delivery, make sure you have your bag packed, ready with the items on the list given to you during your antenatal visits. You should also have a good plan of how you will get to the hospital from wherever you might be when labour starts. Another important thing that will be discussed is pain management – you will be offered an epidural, which is a type of pain relief given during labour to make the whole process easier to bear. The decision on whether or not to have an epidural rests with you, unless there are medical contraindications like a bleeding disorder or an abnormally low blood pressure. Be sure to ask questions, clarify any reservations you might have, and get sufficient information on what to expect with an epidural.

As the time of labour approaches, you may begin to feel your baby’s head descending into your lower abdomen, have worsened low back pains, and urinate very often. A vaginal examination during an antenatal visit might have picked up that your cervix is beginning to soften and be drawn upwards. You could also have more frequent Braxton Hicks contractions (false labour) around this time.

You might experience a ‘show’ – This happens when the mucus plug that covered the cervix comes off and is passed out through the vagina. You will notice a thick mucoid discharge, which may be blood streaked. While this is one of the signs that labour is about to happen, it doesn’t happen obviously to everyone, and even when it does happen, it can still take some days before labour starts.

A more certain sign that labour has started is the beginning of contractions. Labour contractions are different from Braxton Hicks contractions in a number of ways. They are regular and painful, and usually get increasingly stronger and more consistent with time. Also, the contractions do not stop when you change position, and each one may last for about 30 to 60 seconds.

Sometimes, the sac containing the baby might rupture, and the water surrounding the baby (amniotic fluid) begins to leak out; this is called your water breaking. You might feel a gush of some fluid between your legs. If this happens, or if you suspect that your water has broken but you aren’t absolutely sure, it is important for you to contact your doctor immediately and get to the hospital as soon as possible. Active labour should start soon as possible after your water breaks, in order to reduce the risk of an infection getting to the baby. If your water breaks and labour hasn’t started actively, you might need to have an induction of labour.

Labour is divided into three stages, as follows:

First stage of labour

This is the time from the onset of regular painful contractions till the cervix is fully dilated to 10cm. It lasts on the average for about 10 to 12 hours in first time pregnancies, and subsequently becomes shorter. Once you have been admitted for labour and delivery, you will be placed on a machine called a CTG (cardiotocograph), which functions to assess the baby’s heart rate and the intensity, frequency and duration of your contractions. You will also have a vaginal examination done by your doctor to measure the dilatation of the cervix and monitor the descent of the baby; this will be repeated at 3hourly intervals.

There is an initial phase of the first stage called the early phase, when the contractions are milder, and might be irregular or have an inconsistent pattern. The contractions last for about 30 to 45 minutes each, and are 5 to 20 minutes apart. You might be able to walk around, or take some light fluids in this phase. As labour progresses, you will notice that the contractions get stronger, more painful, and closer together.

The second phase of the first stage is called the active phase, and by this time, your cervix will have dilated up to about 4cm-5cm. The contractions now last longer, for about 45 to 90 seconds, and are 3 to 5 minutes apart. You might feel worsening back ache and an intense pressure at your lower abdomen and vagina as the baby descends. If your water hasn’t broken, it will do so during this time, or your doctor will rupture the amniotic sac, and this usually helps the contractions. There might be an urge to push, but it is important that you do not do so until you are asked to, as pushing before the cervix is fully dilated and the baby is ready to be born can delay your delivery or harm the baby. You can ask for medications to relieve the pain if it becomes unbearable (especially if you are not having an epidural).

Second stage of labour

The second stage begins when the cervix is fully dilated to 10cm and ends when the baby is delivered. This can last from about 10 minutes to 2 hours. It is longer when it’s’ a first pregnancy, but can last for just a few minutes in subsequent deliveries. By now the contractions and the pressure are strongest, and you will be asked to ‘bear down’, or ‘push’, with each contraction. Concentrate on putting pressure down below (just like you are trying to pass stool), and not on your face or upper body. Do this only for as long as you are asked to, so that you can take rests in between contractions. Sometimes, the baby is already at the vagina, but the opening is too small to pass through. If this happens, you might need to have a cut on the skin between the vagina and the anus to create more room.

The baby’s head will be delivered first, and then the doctor will clear the nostrils and check that the umbilical cord is not tangled. After a few more efforts, the baby will be delivered and the umbilical cord cut. You will finally be able to see your baby, and he or she will be taken aside briefly to be cleaned and examined. Congratulations!!!

Third stage of labour

This final stage starts from the time baby is delivered to the time of delivery of the placenta. It usually takes a few minutes, but can last for up to 30 minutes. The contractions will still be present, but would have become mild. You will have your uterus massaged a bit to stimulate it to contract and deliver the placenta, you might need to push once more. Once it’s delivered, it will be examined to be sure that it is complete. If you had an episiotomy or a tear, it will be stitched at this point, and you can get more pain relieving medications. Afterwards, you will be cleaned up and made comfortable again, ready to meet your little one properly.

Pregnancy (Have A Baby at South Shore)

At South Shore Women’s & Children’s Hospital, we offer comprehensive care for expectant mothers and their babies throughout their pregnancy, during the birth and after the delivery. Read More

Pregnancy And Antenatal Care

Discovering that you are pregnant marks the beginning of an interesting nine month journey, as you experience your baby’s growth; from two lines on a test strip to a soft and warm bundle of joy in your arms. Read More

Caesarean Section

A Caesarean section is the surgery that is done to deliver a baby either because a vaginal delivery will be harmful to the mother or the baby, or because you have chosen not to have a vaginal delivery. Read More

Antenatal And Delivery Packages

At South Shore we offer a comprehensive antenatal care including consultation, antenatal hospital visits, scans, tests, antenatal classes and many more from as early as 12 weeks, to ensure you have a comfortable pregnancy experience with peace of mind. Read More


In Nigeria there is now an increased awareness and acceptance of available safe and effective methods of reducing pain during labor. The most popular of these is epidural analgesia. Read More

Cervical Cerclage

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, which is sometimes referred to as the ‘neck of the womb’. It remains tightly closed during pregnancy, and only begins to open up and stretch when labour starts, thus allowing the baby to pass through and be delivered. Read More